Monday, September 30, 2013

Ginger-Garlic Tofu with Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I have a love-hate relationship with tofu: I love to eat it, but I've always feared cooking it! Therefore, only my favorite asian restaurants have been able to fill the tofu void in my life (gaeng masaman with tofu = the best Thai meal EVER).

However, when walking through Wegmans, pre-cooked tofu caught my eye- one of the reasons I feared making tofu is the extensive preparation tofu requires, such as drying it out for hours. The opportunity to skip that step presented itself, so I took advantage!

I decided to make a simple tofu stir fry, as my mom recently purchased me a wok that needed to be utilized. My favorite easy-to-prepare vegetable is brussels sprouts, so I figured even if the tofu wasn't up to par, at least the veg would be excellent!

Garlicky Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Preheat oven to 400°
Toss desired amount of brussels sprouts in olive oil, salt, and pepper
Spread out onto baking sheet
Drizzle more olive oil on top
Liberally top with garlic powder (to taste- I happen to like mine very garlicky!)
Roast for about 20 minutes, until brown and crispy

Ginger-Garlic Tofu

Cut pre-cooked tofu into cubes
Put olive oil (not extra virgin!) or peanut oil in wok or pan over medium eat
Warm tofu in wok, folding often
Once warm, throw in Ginger-Garlic dressing (I use Wegmans brand)
Toss with tofu until equally distributed

At the last second, I put the brussels sprouts into the wok- I didn't want the crispy sprouts to soften from the ginger dressing!

In the end, my meal was incredibly successful! I couldn't get enough of this ridiculously simple, delicious, and healthy dinner.

Doesn't that look lovely?

Moral of the story: how do you take the fear out of tofu? Buy it pre-cooked and treat it like chicken or another protein! Easy, yummy, wholesome.

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