I spend my Saturdays immersing myself into the Ithaca food culture, and since it's my senior year, I want to make sure I
This Saturday was particularly special.
I started it off with the perfect brunch: Pumpkin Waffles with Apples and Caramel Creme at the Cafe Dewitt. I've already mentioned the Cafe Dewitt in a few other blog posts, but it really is a charming and whimsical little place. Plus, they use local ingredients, which is a major bonus.
After that, I took a journey to Indian Creek Farm for the Pigs-n-Apples Party!
Indian Creek Farm is an adorable farm right outside of the city of Ithaca, with acres of apples, pears, eggplants, peppers, and tons of other fruits and vegetables for picking. They're open year round to sell their amazing fresh produce.
However, today was a special day: the Pigs-n-Apples Party is an event on the farm that offers tons of autumnal activities, as well as fall-themed baked goods, hard cider from Eve's Cidery, and pork from The Piggery.
The events on the grounds were absolutely precious!
They're churning apple butter over a fire: they said they let it cook for 10+ hours!
Other events they had included pumpkin carving and painting, an apple slingshot, corn stalk javelin, and potato sack races. The rustic charm of the event warmed my heart!
However, for this foodie, I couldn't wait to try some of the culinary treats. First, we did a hard cider tasting.
My favorite of Eve's Cidery's ciders was Essence, a sweet dessert cider. My friend Rachel bought a bottle!
Because I was still full from nommin' on that amazing pumpkin waffle earlier in the day, I decided to pick just one food from the festival. After checking out all of the stands, I made an amazing decision.
I went with a Mini Apple Pie with Homemade Whipped Cream. And oh my goodness, was it delicious.
We left the Pigs-n-Apples Party, but little did I know, there was more delicious apple-y goodness in my future! My friend Colin invited me to happy hour, and I suggested the fabulous Felicia's Atomic Lounge.
I had a Hot Apple Cider with Butterscotch Schnapps. It tasted just like a caramel apple and was the perfect ending to a lovely fall day!
Next weekend is Ithaca's famous Apple Fest, so expect more fall festivities in my future posts!
What are your favorite fall foods? Comment below!
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