Hey y'all! Frantipasto has been out of commission the past few days because I've been busy away from he computer screen. Without even noticing, I went 2 days without Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! It was a wonderful detox from the cyberworld.
So here's what I've been up to...
My high school friend Trevor is an actor in the Renaissance Faire, so I gathered a few buds and we spent the day wandering the medieval festivities! It was tons of fun.
I drove up to Ithaca and started moving my things into my new off-campus apartment. Here is the beginnings of my lovely new room!
My boyfriend and his sister joined me on the trek upstate, and we did some hiking in Ithaca's famous gorges!
Ithaca is most definitely gorges. It was so great to be back.
So I headed back home, and I'm beyond excited to move in for real in less than two weeks. I always love doing something new and daring with my hair before moving back up to campus, so I got my hair ombré'd blonde. I'm totally obsessed with it!
And because delicious food deserves to be mentioned, here's the delicious veggie bowl I made for dinner today: grilled eggplant, zucchini, asparagus, cauliflower, and sweet potato, marinated chick peas, tomatoes, avocado slices, and spicy miso dressing. All kinds of yum.
As things begin to settle down, I'll start posting regularly again. Until then, happy eating!
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