My senior capstone course, Ad Lab, is taking over my life. I say this with the utmost joy- I am obsessed with it. To sum it up, we are competing in the National Student Advertising Competition, through which colleges from across the country create full-fledged advertising campaigns for a client (this year, it's Mary Kay). Regionals in NYC are in a few weeks, and hopefully we'll make it to Nationals in Florida! As the Director of Copywriting, I spend the majority of my time devoted to this class.
I was planning on resuming the bloggin' life post-Ad Lab, but I'm embarking on a new food adventure this weekend and wanted to blog about it to keep track of my progress and stay accountable. What prompted this new challenge is a winter malaise- I've been eating less healthily, been less enthused about working out, and haven't felt confident in my own skin. Fortunately, Zumba instructing is keeping me sane, but I desperately need to switch things up!
As of this Saturday, I will be..... starting a Whole30!
(Nerdy pic of me with my copy of It Starts With Food)
What's a Whole30, you ask? Their website is super helpful, but to sum it up in layman's terms, it's an intensified paleo challenge. No dairy, no added/refined sugars, no wheat/gluten products, no alcohol, no legumes, no caffeine, no paleo-ified junk food. Just all natural products from the earth for 30 days- most meats, eggs, veggies, and fruits are fair game.
Also awesome- a friend of mine who is an Arbonne district representative hooked me up with a free Arbonne 30 Days to Fit kit! This includes paleo-approved protein shakes, energy chews, detox tea, and a great support system. I'm going to integrate both 30-day programs into one hybrid, Fran-approved plan.
How will I stay accountable? Well, I'm doing this with my bestie and blogging buddy Georgie- we'll share recipes, struggles, advice, and accomplishments. I've been reading up on other peoples' experiences and it definitely has its highs and lows, so I'm so happy my lovely friend will be there with me every step of the way. Also, regular blogging will keep me on track!
So, get ready for Frantipasto to get back on her blogging game! If you have any tips or advice for my latest challenge, or just want to say hi, comment below!
HI! You rock. We rock. Let's rock this